Monday, March 31, 2008

Important SAP Tcodes

ABAP & Tables Related Transactions
SA38 To execute a Abap program
SE38 ABAP Editor
SE11 ABAP/4 Dictionary Maintenance
SE80 ABAP Development Work Bench
SE16N General Table view ( very Useful)
SE16 Data Browser or table viewer

AL11 Display SAP Directories
BD54 Maintain Logical System
OSS1 Logon to Online Service System
SALE IMG Application Link Enabling(ALE)
SARA System Archive Administration
SCU0 Customizing Cross-System Viewer
SICK Installation Check (System Initial Consistency Check)
SM01 Lock/unlock Transactions
SM02 Send System Messages to all users
SM04 List of Users logged into the Client
SM12 Display and Delete Locks
SM13 Display Update Request Records
SM14 Update Program Administration
SM21 System Log
SM35 Batch Input Overview
SM50 Work Process Overview
SM51 SAP Servers list
SM56 Number Range Buffer
SM58 Transactional RFC overview
SM59 Display and Maintain RFC Destinations
SM66 Global Work Process Overview
SAINT SAP Add-on Installation Tool
SPAM SAP Support Package Manager (SPAM)
SPAU Display modified DE objects
SPDD Display modified DDIC objects
ST11 Display Developer Traces
ST22 ABAP/4 Runtime Errors
SU56 User Buffers
SMT1 Maintain or display Trusted systems

Client Administration commands
SCC3 Client Copy Analysis Log
SCC4 Client Administration
SCC5 Client Delete
SCC7 Client Import Post-Processing
SCC8 Client Export
SCC9 Remote client copy
SCCL Local Client Copy
SCC1 Client Copy by transport request

FILE Cross-Client File Names/Paths
RZ04 Maintain Operation Modes and Instances
RZ10 Maintenance of Profile Parameters
RZ11 Profile parameter maintenance
SE93 Maintain Transaction Codes
SWU3 Automatic Workflow Customizing
SPRO Customizing: Execute project
SM63 Display/Maintain Operating Mode Set

Database Administration
DB01 Analyze exclusive lockwaits (database snapshot)
DB02 Analyze tables and indexes (Space History overview)
DB03 Configuration Parameter Changes
DB12 DB Backup and Recovery Monitor
DB13 DBA Planning Calendar
DB15 Tables and archiving objects

Background Jobs
SM36 Define or schedule a Background Job
SM37 Background Job Overview & Maintenance
SM49 Execute External Operating System commands
SM62 Display or maintain Events
SM64 Trigger Event in backgroung processing
SM65 Background Processing Analysis Tool (testing)
SM69 Display or Maintain External OS Commands

AL04 Sap Performance Monitor
AL16 Operating System Monitor
RZ20 CCMS Monitoring
AL08 Current Active Users
OS01 LAN check by ping
RZ01 Job Scheduling Monitor (external program)
RZ03 Presentation, Control SAP Instances
ST01 System Trace
ST02 Setups/Tune Buffers
ST03 Performance, SAP Statistics and Workload analysis
ST03n Work load Analysis
ST04 Performance: Database snapshot
ST05 Performance Analysis
ST06 Operating System Monitor
ST07 Application monitor : User distribution
ST10 Table call statistics
STAT Local transaction statistics

SP01 Output Controller
SP02 List of the users spool requests
SP11 TemSe directory
SP12 TemSe Administration
SPAD Spool Administration (defining printers etc…)

SE01 Transport Organizer
SE06 Set Up Workbench Organizer (Post-installation actions for transport organizer)
SE07 CTS Status Display (import monitor)
SE09 Workbench request Organizer
SE10 Customizing request Organizer
STMS Transport Management System
SM30 Table View Maintenance
SM31 Table Maintenance

User Administration
PFCG Profile Generator (Activity Group Maintenance)
SU01 User Maintenance (single user maintenance)
SU01D User Display (safe)
SU02 Maintain Authorization Profiles (depreciated)
SU03 Maintain Authorizations
SU05 Maintain Internet users
SU10 User Mass Maintenance (You cannot change user master data using this)
PFUD User Master Data Reconciliation
SMLG Maintain Logon Group
SUPC Mass generation of Profiles for activity groups
SUIM User Information system (very good transaction code)
One can find any information about a user using this t-code

Central User Administration
SCUA Activate/maintain CUA
SCUG Transfer user
SCUL Central User Management Log Transaction used to view CUA audit and error logs.

Related to Idocs
WEDI IDoc and EDI Basis
WE02 IDoc list display
WE07 IDoc statistics
WE46 IDoc administration

Other Transactions
HIER Internal Application Component Hierarchy Maintenance
WE20 Maintain Partner profiles
WE21 Port definition
WE47 Status Maintenance

CCMS Configuration & Profile Maintenance

The Computing Center Management System (CCMS)allows you to monitor, control, and configure R/3. It provides functions for:
Profile maintenance
Unattended 24-hour system management using operation modes, instance definitions, and scheduling
Starting and stopping instances
Processing and controlling background jobs, scheduling database backups
Automatic reporting of system alerts
Dynamic logon load balancing
System and network monitoring and analysis

Set up the CCMS in the following steps:
Maintain R/3 profiles. Normally, you import the profiles of all active servers after installation. They are then automatically saved to the database and activated.
Define at least one operation mode.
Generate instance definitions for the instances created during R/3 System installation.
If necessary, assign instance definitions to operation modes and adapt the work process distribution.
Define the timetable for normal operation for a full 24-hour cycle.

In transaction RZ10, you can display administrative data for each profile, including profile name, type,version, operating system file, reference server, and modification and activation data.
There are two modes for editing profiles:
In basic mode, you can edit a set of parameters that are changed most frequently. You do not need to know the technical parameter names. Interdependent parameters are grouped together. If you change a parameter, any parameters that depend on it are adjusted automatically.
In extended mode, you can use a editing tool. You need to know the technical names of parameters and their dependencies.

The profile parameter values corresponding to resources (such as main memory, start profile, and instance profile) are created automatically during R/3 installation by the R/3 installation program R3SETUP.
When the first R/3 instance is installed, a default profile is generated in addition to the start profile and the instance profile. During installation of subsequent instances, the existing default profile is updated.
When the installation is complete, the profiles are used as parameter files for the R/3 instances and the instances are started using the values of the parameters in these profiles.
R3SETUP assigns shared memory on the server where the R/3 instance is installed.
In a distributed R/3 environment consisting of application servers of the same platform type, you should set up a global profile directory in a shared file system.
If you set parameters to incorrect values, you may find that your instances do not start. Always take care when changing parameter values and save the last version of your profiles.
After installation, profiles are stored at operating system level. Before you can change profiles for different application servers from a single screen, you must store the profiles in the database. To import them into R/3, from the profile maintenance screen, choose Utilities → Import profiles → Of active servers. All three types of profiles are imported and a first check on parameters is performed. The profiles are automatically saved in the R/3 database and are activated when they are written back to the operating system level. If you import single profile files or create profiles, you must check, save, and activate the profiles manually.

Before you leave either the basic or the extended maintenance mode, profiles changes are checked automatically and any errors or inconsistencies are displayed. After activation, all parameter changes are documented in the operating system file.
When you modify profile parameters, the changes do not take effect immediately. Dynamic switching (activation of parameters without system restart) is possible only for the memory management parameters of an instance profile.

After an application server has been started, an automatic check is performed to see whether the server's profile data as stored in the database still matches the active profiles at operating system level. If this is not the case, an alert is triggered in the Alert Monitor. This allows you to determine whether the operating system files have been changed manually. You can also perform this check manually.
Parameter attributes and documentation are available in transaction RZ11.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Starting & Stopping SAP

During startup of the operating system Windows NT, the NT Service Control Manager starts all the services in the service list that are configured for automatic startup.
The information relevant to these services is stored in the registry and is read by the Service Control Manager during startup.
Several services of type “SAP_(the SAP service) and “Oracle Service”,but only one SAPOsCOL service, can be run on one computer.
The SAP service, SAPOsCOL, and OracleService should be configured for automatic startup.

To start the Oracle database and the R/3 System, the administrator performs the following steps:
Log on to the operating system Windows NT as user adm.
To start the R/3 System, open the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) using the SAP R/3 Systems Snap-in. Right-click on the system icon and select Start. The sapstartsrv.exe executable sends a message using a named pipe to the SAP Service, SAP_.
The SAP service starts the database by executing an NT script that calls the Oracle Server Manager.
The Oracle Server Manager executes an SQL script that starts the database if it is currently not running. Once the database is up and running, the SAP service starts the Message Server (msg_server.exe) and the Central Instance dispatcher (disp+work.exe).
The R/3 System has been started successfully when the icon for the central instance changes color to green. The colors displayed in the MMC have the following meanings: red - the process terminated abnormally; yellow - the process is being started; green - the R/3 System has been successfully started; gray - the process is not running, status unknown.
You can also start the R/3 System with the NT scheduler called “at”. For this kind of start, SAP provides the executables startsap and stopsap which are executed locally. Use
- startsap name= nr= SAPDIAHOST= to start an R/3 instance and
- stopsap name= nr= SAPDIAHOST= to stop an R/3 instance (the executables sapstart.exe, sapsrvkill.exe and sapntwaitforhalt.exe must be in the same directory)

To provide a stable startup procedure, a parameter read sequence (also known as the parameter replace sequence) is defined during startup as follows:
R/3 processes read the appropriate parameters from the R/3 kernel, from the NT system environment variables, and from the NT Registry environment variables.
The default profile
\\\sapmnt\\SYS\profile\default.pfl” is read. Profile values already defined in the R/3 kernel are replaced with the values in the default profile.
The instance profile
“\\\sapmnt\\SYS\profile\__ is read.
Profile values already defined in the default profile or in the R/3 kernel are replaced with the values defined in the instance profile.
This procedure ensures that system parameter values reflect not only the instance profile but also the values in the default profile and the R/3 kernel.
The SAP service reads only the start profile and the default profile. The R/3 kernel (disp+work.exe)reads only the default profile and the instance profile. If you change the default profile, you must restart the SAP service (including the R/3 instance). If you only change the instance profile, you only need to restart R/3 using the MMC.

R/3 work directories contain trace files and error files for messages relating to the startup of work processes. Each R/3 instance has a separate work directory containing information that may not be found in the R/3 System log.
The work directory files are initialized in chronological order. During startup, the SAP service executable SAPSTARTSRV.EXE writes:
Database logs to the file STDERR1
Message server logs to the file STDERR2
Dispatcher logs to the file STDERR3
To define the level of information written to the developer trace files, set the profile parameter “rdisp/TRACE” in the instance profile. The possible values for this parameter are:
0: Write only errors (no traces)
1: Write error messages and warnings (default)
2: Write error messages and a short trace
3: Write error messages and the complete trace

Introduction to SAP Architecture

The fundamental services in a business application system are presentation services, application services,and database services.

In a one-tier R/3 System configuration, all processing tasks are performed on one server, as in classic mainframe processing.

Two-tier R/3 System configurations are usually implemented using special presentation servers that are responsible solely for formatting the graphical user interface. Many R/3 System users use Windows PCs for example as presentation servers. An alternative two-tier configuration (not shown) is to install powerful desktop systems and to use these for presentation and applications also (two-tier client/server).
This type of configuration is particularly useful for processing-intensive applications (such assimulations) or for software developers, but due to the additional administration requirements is usually used for test purposes only.

In a three-tier configuration, separate servers are used for each tier. Using data from the database server,several different application servers can operate at the same time. To ensure that the load on individualservers is as even as possible and to achieve optimal performance, you can use special applicationservers for individual application areas such as distribution or financial accounting (logon and load balancing).

An instance is a group of R/3 services that are started and stopped together. Usually, an instance is one dispatcher with its work processes, although other standalone services such as a gateway can be calledan instance.
A central instance is a dispatcher offering all the R/3 System processes: DVEBMGS. In the graphic,Instance C shows all the processes except the gateway (G).
An R/3 application server is a computer where one or more R/3 instances are running.
An R/3 System consists of one or more R/3 instances. The instances can run on one or more computers.Each instance belongs to exactly one R/3 System.
From the hardware point of view, however, an application server can be defined as a computer on which at least one dispatcher, also called a dialog instance, is running.
The following restrictions apply to the number of each type of work process:
Dialog (D): each dispatcher needs at least 2 dialog work processes
Spool (S): at least 1 per R/3 System (more than 1 per dispatcher allowed)
Update (V): at least 1 per R/3 System (more than 1 per dispatcher allowed)
Background (B): at least 2 per R/3 System (more than 1 per dispatcher allowed)
Enqueue (E): exactly 1 per R/3 System (only 1 E work process is required and allowed)

If a transaction involves the use of more than one screen, the system dialog steps shown on the preceding page are normally performed by several different dialog work processes in a dispatcher. This is known as work process multiplexing.

SAP Notes:
39412 Number of workprocesses
21960 Two instances on one computer

Oracle RAID Levels

RAID (redundant array of independent disks; originally redundant array of inexpensive disks) is a way of storing the same data in different places (thus, redundantly) on multiple hard disks. By placing data on multiple disks, I/O operations can overlap in a balanced way, improving performance. Since multiple disks increases the mean time between failure (MTBF), storing data redundantly also increases fault-tolerance.

A RAID appears to the operating system to be a single logical hard disk. RAID employs the technique of striping, which involves partitioning each drive's storage space into units ranging from a sector (512 bytes) up to several megabytes. The stripes of all the disks are interleaved and addressed in order.

There are at least nine types of RAID plus a non-redundant array (RAID-0):

RAID-0. This technique has striping but no redundancy of data. It offers the best performance but no fault-tolerance.

RAID-1. This type is also known as disk mirroring and consists of at least two drives that duplicate the storage of data. There is no striping. Read performance is improved since either disk can be read at the same time. Write performance is the same as for single disk storage. RAID-1 provides the best performance and the best fault-tolerance in a multi-user system.

RAID-2. This type uses striping across disks with some disks storing error checking and correcting (ECC) information. It has no advantage over RAID-3.

RAID-3. This type uses striping and dedicates one drive to storing parity information. The embedded error checking (ECC) information is used to detect errors. Data recovery is accomplished by calculating the exclusive OR (XOR) of the information recorded on the other drives. Since an I/O operation addresses all drives at the same time, RAID-3 cannot overlap I/O. For this reason, RAID-3 is best for single-user systems with long record applications.

RAID-4. This type uses large stripes, which means you can read records from any single drive. This allows you to take advantage of overlapped I/O for read operations. Since all write operations have to update the parity drive, no I/O overlapping is possible. RAID-4 offers no advantage over RAID-5.

RAID-5. This type includes a rotating parity array, thus addressing the write limitation in RAID-4. Thus, all read and write operations can be overlapped. RAID-5 stores parity information but not redundant data (but parity information can be used to reconstruct data). RAID-5 requires at least three and usually five disks for the array. It's best for multi-user systems in which performance is not critical or which do few write operations.

RAID-6. This type is similar to RAID-5 but includes a second parity scheme that is distributed across different drives and thus offers extremely high fault- and drive-failure tolerance. There are few or no commercial examples currently.

RAID-7. This type includes a real-time embedded operating system as a controller, caching via a high-speed bus, and other characteristics of a stand-alone computer. One vendor offers this system.

RAID-10. This type offers an array of stripes in which each stripe is a RAID-1 array of drives. This offers higher performance than RAID-1 but at much higher cost.

RAID-53. This type offers an array of stripes in which each stripe is a RAID-3 array of disks. This offers higher performance than RAID-3 but at much higher cost.

ORACLE : Initialization Parameter files: PFILEs vs. SPFILEs

When an Oracle Instance is started, the characteristics of the Instance are established by parameters specified within the initialization parameter file. These initialization parameters are either stored in a PFILE or SPFILE. SPFILEs are available in Oracle 9i and above. All prior releases of Oracle are using PFILEs.

SPFILEs provide the following advantages over PFILEs:
o An SPFILE can be backed-up with RMAN (RMAN cannot backup PFILEs)
o Reduce human errors. The SPFILE is maintained by the server. Parameters are checked before changes are accepted.
o Eliminate configuration problems (no need to have a local PFILE if you want to start Oracle from a remote machine)
o Easy to find - stored in a central location

What is the difference between a PFILE and SPFILE?
A PFILE is a static, client-side text file that must be updated with a standard text editor like "notepad" or "vi". This file normally reside on the server, however, you need a local copy if you want to start Oracle from a remote machine. DBA's commonly refer to this file as the INIT.ORA file.
An SPFILE (Server Parameter File), on the other hand, is a persistent server-side binary file that can only be modified with the "ALTER SYSTEM SET" command. This means you no longer need a local copy of the pfile to start the database from a remote machine. Editing an SPFILE will corrupt it, and you will not be able to start your database anymore.

How will I know if my database is using a PFILE or SPFILE?
Execute the following query to see if your database was started with a PFILE or SPFILE:
SQL> SELECT DECODE(value, NULL, 'PFILE', 'SPFILE') "Init File Type"
FROM sys.v_$parameter WHERE name = 'spfile';

You can also use the V$SPPARAMETER view to check if you are using a PFILE or not: if the "value" column is NULL for all parameters, you are using a PFILE.

Changing SPFILE parameter values:
While a PFILE can be edited with any text editor, the SPFILE is a binary file. The "ALTER SYSTEM SET" and "ALTER SYSTEM RESET" commands can be used to change parameter values in an SPFILE. Look at these examples:

SQL> ALTER SYSTEM SET timed_statistics=TRUE
COMMENT='Changed by Frank on 1 June 2003'

Converting between PFILES and SPFILES:
One can easily migrate from a PFILE to SPFILE or vice versa. Execute the following commands from a user with SYSDBA or SYSOPER privileges:
One can also specify a non-default location for either (or both) the PFILE and SPFILE parameters. Look at this example:
SQL> CREATE SPFILE='/oradata/spfileORCL.ora' from PFILE='/oradata/initORCL.ora';
Here is an alternative procedure for changing SPFILE parameter values using the above method:
o Export the SPFILE with: CREATE PFILE=‘pfilename’ FROM SPFILE = ‘spfilename’;
o Edit the resulting PFILE with a text editor
o Shutdown and startup the database with the PFILE option: STARTUP PFILE=filename
o Recreate the SPFILE with: CREATE SPFILE=‘spfilename’ FROM PFILE=‘pfilename’;
o On the next startup, use STARTUP without the PFILE parameter and the new SPFILE will be used.

Parameter File Backups:
RMAN (Oracle's Recovery Manager) will backup the SPFILE with the database control file if setting "CONFIGURE CONTROLFILE AUTOBACKUP" is ON (the default is OFF).

PFILEs cannot be backed-up with RMAN. Look at this example:

Use the following RMAN command to restore an SPFILE:

SAP Printing Methods

Local Printing (Access Methods C and L)

Use local printing if the host spool system (operating system spooler) and the spool work process of the SAP System are on the same host.

• It is irrelevant whether the printer is directly connected to the PC or whether it is a shared network printer.
• The printer must be defined at operating system level of the spool server.

 Access method C: Microsoft Windows NT, Microsoft Windows 2000;
 Access method L: UNIX

Define the output devices in the SAP spool system.
To do this, create device definitions for the output devices in transaction SPAD (choose the Output Devices pushbutton ® Output Device menu ® Create/Create Using Template).
1.  Specify the host system on which the spool server (application server with a spool work process) is running, as the spool server of the output device.
1.  In the Access method field, choose method L for a UNIX host.
2.  For a Microsoft Windows NT/2000 host, choose access method C. other Microsoft Windows operating systems are not suitable for local printing, as you cannot set up a spool server on them.

Remote Printing (Access Methods S and U)

Use remote printing if you are printing over a network; that is, when the host spool system (operating system spooler) and the spool work process of the SAP System are on different hosts.

 Access Method U: UNIX systems; Microsoft Windows system (using a TCP/IP Print Server and SAPlpd)
 Access Method S: Microsoft Windows systems (using SAPlpd)

To set up the print architecture for remote Microsoft Windows PC printing, follow the procedure below:

1. To use SAPWIN/SWIN, install and start the SAPLPD transfer program on a Microsoft Windows PC.
SAPlpd is installed with the SAP GUI frontend software.
If you are using Microsoft Windows NT/2000, remote printing can also be implemented using the TCP/IP Print Server.
SAPlpd and TCP/IP Print Server accept the data stream and forward it to the host spool system (operating system spooler).

2. Define the printers you want to use in the Microsoft Windows spooler.
You can use both locally connected and shared network devices.

3. Define the output devices in the SAP System.

To do this, create a device definition for the PC output device in transaction SPAD (choose the Output Devices pushbutton ® Output Device menu ® Create/Create Using Template).

1. • Specify the host system on which the spool work process is running, as the spool server of the output device.

2. • For printing using SAPlpd, choose Access method U (Print on LPDHOST using Berkeley protocol) or S (Print on LPDHOST using SAP protocol). For printing using the TCP/IP Print Server, you can only use access method U.
It is irrelevant whether the printer is directly connected to the PC or whether it is a shared network printer.

Frontend Printing on Local Printers

In addition to the general print authorizations, every user requires the following authorizations for frontend printing:
• Authorization object S_SPO_DEV, authorization field SPODEVICE, authorization %LOC
• Authorization object S_RFC:

Field Value

Friday, March 28, 2008

UNIX Commnads for BASIS


cat > filename
file will be created
cat >> filename
append contents to existing file.
touch file1 file2
no.of files will be created.
rm filename
file will be deleted.


mkdir dir1 dir2 no.of directories will be created.
rmdir dir1 dir2 no.of empty directories will be deleted
rm –rf dir1 it removes directories with contents.
cd to change one directory to another directory
pwd to know present working directory.
ps –ef to know all processes.
kill pid to kill particular process.
kill –9 pid to kill process forcefully.
vi filename to edit file in vi.

ls filename Lists all files and directories.
ls –l it gives full information of files and directories.
ls –a it displays hidden files
ls –p shows difference b/w files and directories.
ls –i Displys inode no of files and directories.


We have two ways to assign permissions to files
1. Numeric mode
2. Symbolic mode or relative mode

1)Numeric mode

We assign numerics to permissions like
read 4
write 2
execute 1
chmod 777 filename/dirname
assign full permissions to all users.
chmod 666 filename/dirname
it assigns read and write permissions to all users
chgrp newgroupname file/directory
it changes groupname for file or directory.
chown newownername file/directory
it changes owner for file or directory.

2)Symbolic mode or relative mode

Here we assign symbols to users.
owner u
group g
others o
all a
read r
write w
execute x
adding permissions +
removing permissions -

To assign permissions - chmod ugo+rwx file/dir.
To remove permissions - chmod ugo-rwx file/dir.

Network communication

In hetrogenous and homogenous environment

telnet ipaddress - it connets to remote system
ftp ipaddress
scp /dir ipaddress:/dir
it copies date from source system to target system
ssh ipaddress:mkdir /dir - it executes commands in remote system.

Only in homogenous environment

rlogin ipaddress

rcp /dir ipaddress:/dir

rsh ipaddress:rm /file

User commads

useradd –u uid –g gid –G gid –d homedirecory –m –s sh username
it adds user g for primary group
G for secondary group
d,m for homedirecoty
s for default shell
u user id
su – username to swith from one user to another user.
who displays all users who are currently logged in system.
who am I displays detailed information about current logged in user.
last displays information about when system is lastly
finger information about current logged in user.


it displays all filesystems with sizes
df –h
it displays all filesystems with human readable form.

du to know disk utilization

Shutdown commands

init 0
like shutdown
init 1
single user mode
init 6
like reboot

copy or move

To copy a file
cp sourcefile targetfile
To copy empty directory
cp sourcedir targetdir
To copy directory with all contents
cp –r sourcedir targetdir
To move file
mv sourcefile targetfile
To move directory
mv sourcdir targetdir

creating links

To link file or directory in same filesystem
ln soucefile/dir targerfile/dir
this is called hard mounting
If you link souce file or dir with another file which is in different file system that is called soft mounting
ln –s sourcefile/dir targetfile/dir
For help
man command

Pattern search

To seach for a single word in a file
grep word filename
it displays all lines which contains this word
To seach multiple words
egrep word1 | word2 filename
To seach for a text
fgrep text filename


searches in current directory for file or directory.

find . –name “/” –type f/d -print

type options:

b block (buffered) special

c character (unbuffered) special

d directory

p named pipe (FIFO)

f regular file

l symbolic link

to search files exact n th day old from now

find . –name “/” –mtime n –print

to search files morethan n days old from now.

find . –name “/” –mtime +n –print

to search files from n days old from now.

find . –name “/” –mtime -n –print

for searched files in range( from more than 64 days old to 95 days old)

find . -name "*" -a "(" -mtime +64 -a -mtime -95 ")" -exec ll {} \;

to know files in current directory which are more than 10M size.

find . -type f -size +10M -exec ls -l {} \; (for files)

find . -xdev -size +10000000c -exec ls -l {} \; (for files and directories)

`b' for 512-byte blocks (this is the default if no suffix

`c' for bytes

`w' for two-byte words

`k' for Kilobytes (units of 1024 bytes)

`M' for Megabytes (units of 1048576 bytes)

`G' for Gigabytes (units of 1073741824 bytes)

If you want to see if you have any directories with world write permission, use:
find . -type d -perm 777 –print

Tcodes & Auth.Objects

BASIS Transaction & Corresponding Authorization Objects

SM12 ------------à S_ENQUE (Enqueue: Display/Delete Lock Entries)

SM13 ------------à S_ADMI_FCD (Sys Admin Function – UADM * Update Admin)

SM21 ------------à S_ADMI_FCD (Sys Admin Function – SM21 * System analyze)

SM35 ------------à S_BDC_MONI (Batch input monitoring – analyze, delete process...)

SM36 & SM37 ------------à S_BTCH_ADM (Background Admin – Background admin ID)

S_BTCH_JOB (Operation on Background Jobs)

S_BTCH_NAM (Background User Name)

SM50 ------------à S_ADMI_FCD (Sys Admin Function – PADM * Process Admin

using SM04 & SM50)

RZ20 ------------à S_RZL_ADM (CCMS: System Administration)

DB02, ST02, ST03, ST04, ST05 ------------à S_ADMI_FCD (Sys Admin Function – STOR * Analyze Traces)

SU01 ------------à

Authorizations: Role check S_USER_AGR

User Master Maintenance: Authorizations S_USER_AUT

User Master Maintenance: User Groups S_USER_GRP

User Master Maintenance: Authorization Profile S_USER_PRO

User Master Maintenance: System for Central User Maintenance S_USER_SYS

Address object 1 (normal addresses) S_ADDRESS1

SUIM ------------àAdministration Functions in the Change and Transport


Project Customization

Customizing templates S_CTEMPLAT

IMG: Authorization to Perform Functions in IMG S_IMG_ACTV

IMG: Authorization for Generating the Enterprise IMG S_IMG_GENE

Project Management: Project authorization S_PROJECT

Project Management: Extended authorization S_PROJECTS

DevWorkbook: Project authorization S_PROJ_AUT

IMG: New Authorizations for Projects S_PRO_AUTH

Client Copy / System refresh

Before doing a client copy, you need to prepare the following

1. Find the source client space with the client size custom program which can be implemented using the rel. note:

Find the space of the client - '0118823'.
This will give you the size of the source client.

2. If your are on Unix OS, adjust all the file systems according to PRD file system to fit the PRD client in DEV client based on space requirements also.

3. You can do the client copy by remote or export/import client.

Remote method is not preferred if you are doing a large client copy.

Do a client export/import.

4. To speed up the export/import, use R3trans export/import for the clustered tables.

Please find the rel. notes related to performance improvements for cluster tables in OSS.

5. Do import and post processing.

Note: Export may take 10 to 20 hr. for 50gb of data import may take 4 days and post import will take 8 to 15 hr. for 50gb of data. And it all depends on your system performance.

Please refer OSS rel. notes for the few RZ10 parameters which needs to be set for cluster tables to speed up the process.

Note :-

If it is a fresh installation, do this --

1. SCC4 --> Create client no. and fill other details.

2. Logon to the newly created client with SAP* and PASS as password.

3. SCCL --> choose any profile (preferably SAP_ALL), source client 000 and target client ;.

4. Preferably do a test run initially to check if it can go well.

5. As a care check space in databases.

What are steps and procedure to create a client & to take a client copy from source to target.

If you are copying from same system then flow the below steps:

1. Create the client in Tcode scc4.

2. Before that create a logical System in BD54.

3. Login in the newly created client with user Name : sap* and password : pass

4. Use the Tcode SCCL to copy the client.if you are not familiar with the client copy.

Try a test run and then schedule it in background.

5. You can select the needed profile.

6. To view the log files use the tcode SCC3.

If you are using different system then create a rfc connection in sm59.test the connection and then continue from the 1st step

You can also import and export a client. Use SCC7 for importing from the client and scc8 fro exporting from the source client

What is system refresh when and why it is done?

The system refersh is nothing but the deletion of the client and replacing the data from other client. For example : you have clients 100, 200 and 300. Suppose when you want to refresh the client 100 you remove the client 100 and replace it with 200 0r 300 as per your reqiurement.
Mostly the refresh of clients will be happen at the time of development stage.

System Refresh is a simplified term to Client Copy. Client Copy means copying the production client on to the quality to test the real data. As recommend by SAP this need to carried out every 3 months.

The process to carry out the same is as follows:

1. Create a client on quality system using txn scc4

2. Create a RFC between Production system and Quality System (need to create on quality system)

3. Login to the newly created client using sap* and pass as a password

4. Txn sccl to start the client copy.
You can test the client copy by selecting the test run option. (test run will estimate the time taken for the activity).

Generating a SolMan Key(Tcode SMSY)

After executing T-code SMSY in Solution Manager system, you need to do the following steps:

Create a system by right clicking on System entry and select Create new system.
Enter the System Name i.e., SID (3 chars)
Product = (select from the list)
Product Version= (select from the list)
Save the entries.

Select Menu Item "System--->Other Configuration" and enter the SID which you have created earlier.
Enter the Server Name(hostname)

Finally click on Generate "Installation/Upgrade Key Button "

The system generates a Key ,copy that Key and paste it in the SAPINST screen when it prompts for Sol man Key.

Important SAP Tables

ADIRACCESS Table to store keys for TADIR objects

ADR2 Telephone numbers (central address admin.)

ADRP Persons (central address administration)


APQI Queue info definition

D010SINF ABAP- Information about ABAP program source code

E071 Change and Transport System- Object Entries of Requests/Tasks

E07T Change and Transport System- Short Texts for Requests/Tasks

ENLFDIR Additional Attributes for Function Modules

INDX System table INDX

NAST Message Status

STXH STXD SAPscript text file header

T005 Countries

T005S Taxes- Region (Province) Key

T005U Taxes- Region Key- Texts

T006 Units of Measurement

T015M Names of the months

T247 Month name and short text

T777A Building Addresses

TADIR Directory of Repository Objects

TBTCO Job status overview table

TBTCP Batch job step overview

TFDIR Function Module

TFTIT Function Module Short Text

TSP03L Spool- Long device names

TSTC SAP Transaction Codes

TSTCT Transaction Code Texts

TUTYP User Types in Current Price List in SAP System

TUZUS Special versions

TVARV Table of variables in selection criteria

TVDIR View Directory

US930 Data Relevant to Measurement for User Master Record

ARCH_OBJ Objects for archiving and reorganization

BTCUED Description of user event IDs for background processing

BTXSUPB BSI- Upgrade-Information

CCFLOW Client Copy Control Flow

DBSTATC DB Optimizer Control (Statistics Creation)

DEVACCESS Table for development users


E070 Change and Transport System- Header of Requests/Tasks

E070L CTS- Index for Assigning Numbers to Requests/Tasks

INSTVERS Documentation for installation Status and History

PAT03 Patch Directory

SDBAC DBA Action Table

T100 Messages

TAPLT Program Application Long Texts


TDEVC Development Classes

TEMSE Temp Sequential table.

TLOCK Change and Transport System- Lock Table

TNAPR Processing programs for output. Can be very handy to find the print
program for a SAPScript.

TNAST Printed output control table

TPFET Table of profile parameters

TPFHT Profile header, administration data for profiles in DB

TPROT Table contains all DD tables to be logged

TRBAT Communication Table for Transport Control

TRDIRT Title texts for programs in TRDIR

TRESN Table of Naming Conventions in ABAP Workbench

TRJOB Job ID for Coordinating Batch-ABAP/UNIX for Transports

TSP03C Spool- Device Description Extension

TST03 TemSe data



USOBT Relation transaction - authorization object

USR01 User master record (runtime data)

USR02 Logon data

USR03 User address data

USR04 User master authorizations

USR05 User Master Parameter ID

USR06 Additional Data per User

USR14 Surchargeable Language Versions per User

USR21 Assign user name address key

USR12 User master authorization values

USR40 Table for illegal passwords

USR41 User master- Additional data

UST04 User masters

USORG Organizational Values

VARIT Variant texts

VARID Variant directory

D010TAB Table for Use Report---Tables

DD02L SAP tables

DD02T R/3 DD- SAP table texts

DD03L Table Fields

DD03T DD- Texts for fields (language dependent)

EDIDC IDOC Control Records

EDIDOT Short description of IDoc types

EDID2 IDOC segments (version 3.1)

EDID4 IDOC segments (version 4.6)

EDSEA EDI- Table of all segments of current release

VRSX2 Central Table for Version Management (Report Source)

TSE05 Can add parameters to the INSERT COMMAND (IC). Then, when you insert command, your info appears in the editor. Useful for comment blocks, common section of code, etc.

CDPOS Change document items

CDHDR Change document header

T529A governs the foreground sequence of infotypes the system will use to prompt the user during online and batch processing. You will have to code your BDC to follow that sequence of creating infotypes.

T588Z governs the dynamic event processing that will only take place during online user inputs. For BDC's you will have to create separate BDC's to handle any infotypes that are inserted dynamically by this table.

T588M Infotype Screen Control

Updating BR*TOOLS 7.00

1) Unpack/install the Oracle 10 client
sapm20:oram20> cd /oracle/client
sapm20:oram20> umask 022
sapm20:oram20> mkdir 10x_64
sapm20:oram20> cd 10x_64
sapm20:oram20> SAPCAR -xvf /usr/sap/trans/oracle_client_10g/OCL10264.SAR
sapm20:oram20> ln -s instantclient_10202 instantclient

2) Update environment variables of SIDadm user ID to use the new Oracle 10 client (instantclient)
From -->
TNS_ADMIN=/oracle/M91/920_64/network/admin; export TNS_ADMIN (same)
for d in $ORACLE_HOME/bin:/oracle/client/10x_64/instantclient; do (edit)
From .dbenv_sapm20.csh -->
setenv TNS_ADMIN /oracle/M91/920_64/network/admin (same)
foreach d ( $ORACLE_HOME/bin:/oracle/client/10x_64/instantclient ) (edit)

3) As SIDadm, go to kernel directory and backup the existing brtools:
sapm20:m20adm> cdexe
sapm20:m20adm> pwd
/sapmnt/M20/exesapm20:m20adm> mkdir brtools_640
sapm20:m20adm> cp br* brtools_640/.
sapm20:m20adm> cp libsbt.o brtools_640/.
sapm20:m20adm> cp sap*role.sql brtools_640/.

4) Unpack new brtools to new directory
Note: Can skip this and just scp the whole /sapmnt/SID/exe/brtools_700 directory to target host
sapm20:m20adm> mkdir brtools_700
sapm20:m20adm> cp /usr/sap/trans/DBATL700O10_25-20001021.SAR brtools_700/.
sapm20:m20adm> cd brtools_700
sapm20:m20adm> SAPCAR -xvf DBATL700O10_25-20001021.SAR

5) Unpack new brtools to the kernel directory
sapm20:m20adm> cdexe
sapm20:m20adm> rm br*
rm: 0653-603 Cannot remove directory brtools_640.
rm: 0653-603 Cannot remove directory brtools_700.

sapm20:m20adm 9> SAPCAR -xvf brtools_700/DBATL700O10_25-20001021.SAR
SAPCAR: processing archive brtools_700/DBATL700O10_25-20001021.SAR (version 2.01)
x brarchive
x brbackup
x brconnect
x brrecover
x brrestore
x brspace
x brtools
x libsbt.o
x sapconn_role.sql
x sapdba_role.sql
SAPCAR: 11 file(s) extracted

6) Run (as own ID)
$ sudo /mnt/storage/NETWEAVER04/root_scripts/ M20

Preparing /usr/sap/M20/SYS/exe/run/brbackup ...
Preparing /usr/sap/M20/SYS/exe/run/brarchive ...
Preparing /usr/sap/M20/SYS/exe/run/brconnect ...
Preparing /usr/sap/M20/SYS/exe/run/brtools ...
Preparing saposcol ...
Preparing icmbnd ...
icmbnd does not exist - skipped

Thursday, March 27, 2008

SAP User Types

User types
Dialog 'A'
A normal dialog user is used by exactly one person for all logon types.
Dialog logons are checked for obsolete/initial passwords which must be changed.
Multiple dialog logons are checked and logged.

System 'B'
Use the user type System for dialog-free communication within one system. (for RFC or CPIC service users) or for background processing in one system.
Dialog logon is not possible.
A user of this type is excluded from the standard settings for password validity period. The password can only be changed by user administrators or in transaction Su01 (Goto -> Change Password)

Communication 'C'
Use the user type Communikation for dialog-free communication between systems (for RFC or CPIC service users of different applications, for example, ALE, Workflow, TMS ZBV).
Dialog logon is not possible.

Service 'S'
A user of type Service is a dialog user available to a large anonymous set of users. It usually has closely-restricted authorizations.
Service users are e.g. used for anonymous system access via an ITS service. You can change a session which began as an anonymous session with a service user into a personal session under a dialog user with an individual authentification.
There is no check for obsolete/initial passwords at logon. Only the user administrator can change the password.
Multiple logon is allowed.

Reference 'L'
A Reference user is a general impersonal user like the Service user. You cannot logon with a Reference user. The Reference user is to give Internet users identical authorizations.
You can specify a Reference user for additional dialog user authorizations, in the Roles tab. The application generally controls the assignment of Reference users. The name of the Reference user can be assigned in variables which should begin with "$". The assignment variable-Reference user is made in the transaction SU_REFUSERVARIABLE.
This assignment applies to all systems in a CUM landscape. If the assigned Reference user does not exist in a CUM subsidiary system, the assignment is ignored.

Use the user type System for dialog-free communication between systems (for RFC or CPIC service users) or for background processing in a system. Dialog logon is not possible.
A user of this type is excluded from the general password validity period settings. The password can only be changed by the user administrator in the transaction SU01 under Goto -> Change Password.

We recommend assigning the appropriate user type when creating users. For example, if the user does not need dialog access to the SAP System, then define it as a system user. If the user is an anonymous, public user that many different individuals can use, then define it as a service user and keep its authorizations to a minimum.

Overview of all SAP 6.20 Kernel Programs

Overview of all SAP 6.20 Kernel Programs
Here you can find all SAP Kernel programs. disp+work, tp, r3trans etc. - You can see directly if this is a DLL or EXE or whatever. All Kernel Programs in Windows - MaxDB 6.20: