Friday, July 4, 2008

SAP Version Management

Creating Versions
The aim of version management is to record a complete change history of a Repository object. Versions are created automatically at the following times:
Before a Repository object is changed
Each object changed is entered in a change request. If the latest version in version management is not the active version, the version of the object is saved in version management before it is changed. These backup versions are indicated in the version overview with an S or I.
When a change request is released
When you release the change request with the changed objects, versions are created. The request number is displayed in the version overview for the relevant version.
A version is not created when objects are imported for performance reasons. This is not necessary, since the change history of the object was recorded fully in the development system. However, a comment is added to the version overview if an object has changed as the result of an import.
If you want, you can create extra versions of objects during import. This makes sense, for example, if the development system is reinstalled at regular intervals. This leads to the loss of the versions recorded there.

As well as the times mentioned above, versions are also created at the following times:
Before the import
If the newest version in the version database does not match the active version, then a backup version is made immediately before the import. These versions are indicated in the version overview with an S.
After the import
After the import a version is created of each imported object. The number of the imported request is displayed in the version overview for the created version. If an object exists in several requests that are imported at the same time (for example, with tp import all ) only one version is made of this object, after the import of the final request.
You can use these versions to check what was the active status of an object at which time.
You can also set the SAP System so that versions are not created every time you import objects, just when you import objects as part of a relocation with package change. To do this, set the profile parameter VERS_AT_IMP to C_ONLY .
In addition to the versions created automatically, you can also create temporary versions at any time. To do this, use the Generate version function in the maintenance transactions for the Repository objects. You can use these temporary versions to restore the previous version of an object, even while you are developing it. When a request is released, the temporary versions are deleted and replaced by the version active at this time.

Version Management
You can use version management to compare two versions of a Repository object, and display old versions of objects.
You can access version management whenever you are maintaining an object by choosing Utilities ® Versions ® Version management.
You can also access version management from the Transport Organizer (Transaction SE09):
In the initial screen Choose Environment ® Version management. An overview of versionable objects appears. You can display individual object types and search for particular objects.
In the request overview Position the cursor on an object in the object list of a task or request and choose Object ® Versions.
The version display is object-specific and is similar to the display used in normal object maintenance. Object versions can therefore be easily recognized.

Version Overview
The version overview shows the versions stored in the development database (Repository), as well as the historical versions stored in the version database. Both areas can be empty, such as in the following situations:
An object has been newly created and no versions have yet been created.
An object was deleted after versions were stored
Active and/or revised versions are stored in the development database.
The version overview also provides information on the time and release level when the versions were created.
If a transport request is specified for a version in the version database, this version corresponds to the state of the object
when the request was released, if the request is from the current SAP System
after the request was imported, if the request with which the object was transported is from another SAP System.
If a request is specified for an active or revised version, the object is currently being edited in connection with this request, or has been imported with the specified request.
The Cat column in the version overview specifies the reason why the version was created. The following values are possible:

" " Version created when request was released
I Version created during import
S Version created due to a system request (for example, for a backup copy before inclusion in a correction or repair)
U Version was created due to a user request (as an intermediate version) at some point in time. When the request is released, these versions are deleted and replaced by a " " version.

The Fla column in the version overview specifies how the version is flagged. The following values are possible:

" " No special flag exists
I The version last created is not the active version, since the active version was overwritten by an import

In the version overview, you can choose the following functions:
Display a selected version
Compare two selected versions
Restore a selected versionThis function requires change authorization for the Repository object concerned.
Remote comparison with versions of the object in another SAP System

Authorizations in Version Management
The authorization for accessing version management is covered by the authorizations for the ABAP Workbench and the Transport Organizer. It is only for the remote comparison with other SAP Systems that you require a special authorization.
To compare versions of with a remote system, use the user TMSADM, delivered by SAP. This user requires the authorization S_TMSADM_SHO (display authorization for Repository objects) in the remote system. This authorization is in the SAP authorization profile S_A.TMSADM of the user TMSADM.
If the user TMSADM does not have this authorization, then a logon screen appears when you use the remote version comparison. You can enter user and password on this screen. The user that you enter must have the authorization for displaying Repository objects. Otherwise the SAP System rejects the remote comparison.
The user SAPCPIC is used for the remote comparison with SAP Systems which have a release prior to 4.5A. The calling SAP System must have an RFC destination, in which the user is SAPCPIC is entered with the corresponding password.
This user requires the authorization S_RFC_VERS in the target system. This authorization is delivered by SAP in the authorization profile S_A.CPIC of the user SAPCPIC.
If you want to prevent a remote version comparison with a particular SAP System, then delete the authorization S_TMSADM_SHO from the profile S_A.TMSADM and the authorization S_RFC_VERS from the profile S_A.CPIC in the system in question.
To allow the remote comparison again, just add these authorizations to the appropriate profiles.

Archiving Versions
If the version management data tables VRSX and VRSX2 take up too much space on the database, SAP recommends that you start archiving versions.
Archived versions are displayed in the versions overview, and are marked with an X in the column Arch.
If you choose the options Display or Compare for an archived version the SAP System restores the selected versions from the archive to the database, and then displays them.
You can also restore the complete archive files to the version database.
Archived versions can only be restored to the SAP System from which they were archived.
To archive versions, or restore complete archive files from the database, proceed as follows:
1) In the SAP Easy Access menu, choose SAP Menu -> Administration -> System Administration -> Administration -> Data Archiving.
2) Enter the archiving object VERSIONS

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