Wednesday, August 13, 2008

CCMS Monitoring : MTE Classes and Attribute Groups

The alert monitoring tree consists of individual monitoring tree elements (MTEs). They are either components of your IT landscape that are to be monitored (monitoring objects), or values, statuses, or texts that are reported for these objects .These MTEs are assigned to MTE classes and attribute groups in the monitoring architecture:
· An MTE class describes the general properties and method assignments that are common to a particular group of monitoring tree elements.
· An attribute group describes the common threshold values for alerts for a particular attribute type.

MTE classes and attribute groups simplify the Customizing of the Alert Monitor, since you do not need to change threshold values, properties, or methods individually for every MTE, but only for the corresponding attribute group or MTE class.
MTE classes also simplify the creation of your own rule-based monitors, since you do not need to specify every MTE individually when constructing the alert monitoring tree, but rather only the corresponding MTE classes.
The classification of the MTEs to MTE classes and attribute groups is already fully predefined. You do not need to make any changes to be able to use this classification.

If you want to change the properties, methods, or threshold values, the system displays a message informing you whether the change refers only to an individual MTE or to the corresponding MTE class or attribute group. You can change this default value

· MTE Class:
The Space Management monitoring object and the Free Space monitoring attribute both belong to the MTE class CCMS_DB_Freespace_MT. This means that both MTEs have the same general properties and method assignments.
· Attribute Group:
All instance-specific occurrences of the Response Timemonitoring attribute belong by default to a single attribute group. This means that the same threshold values are set in all of the instances of a system and that changes to the threshold values apply to all instances.

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