Monday, May 24, 2010

HTTP Configuration

The kernel of the SAP Web Application Server supports HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol). This enables text messages (pager/SMS) to be sent directly to external text message servers, or to the provider packed, as a URL, such as

You cannot use this technology to receive text messages or confirmations of receipt. Status notifications, however, confirming that the message has been sent to the provider, are possible.


Your provider must support SAPconnect HTTP for text messages (pager/SMS), you must have obtained all the required information and have performed all the required configurations. You want to be able to send a text message in a Web Browser using the template supplied by the provider for the SMS packed as a URL.

Process Flow

SAPconnect Administration (Transaction SCOT)

You have to configure the SAPconnect settings that you require for sending text messages using HTTP.

·        Nodes

Create an HTTP node and configure it. Proceed as follows:

i.         Make sure you are in the Node view.

ii.       Choose Node ® Create.

A wizard then leads you through the creation process.

iii.      Enter a node name and a description.

iv.      Choose HTTP Node.

v.        Enter the URL that is specified by the provider and has already been tested. When entering the parameters, use the pushbuttons if you need help.

vi.      If required, enter your personal provider password.

vii.     Enter the values specified by your provider. If your provider has not supplied you with any values, enter 160 for the Maximum Length and use the default values for Character Set and Coding.

viii.   Specify the messages your provider returns if a dispatch was successful and if an error occurred.

ix.     Enter the address area for which this HTTP node is to be responsible.  In general, * is used here.

x.       Specify the maximum waiting time for repeating the send attempt procedure if an error occurs.

xi.     Select Node is ready for use.

·        Send Job

A periodical background process, the SAPconnect send job, sends the text messages to the provider. To schedule this job in SAPconnect: Administration, proceed as follows:

i.         Choose View ® Jobs.

ii.       If no other job has been scheduled, choose Job ® Create.

iii.      Enter a job name and confirm it.

iv.      Select the variant SAP&CONNECTPAG by positioning the cursor on it.

v.        Choose Schedule Job.

vi.      Choose Schedule periodically.

vii.     Select the interval you require, such as 10 minutes.

viii.   Choose Create.

1 comment:

  1. Full documnetation can be found in the link below
