Tuesday, November 8, 2011

How to Check Active Job in SAP


Report: BTCAUX07

Variant: no variant is required

Frequency: hourly

Job Description: This report The jobs that remain in 'active' status after the background work process terminates or after database connection problems occur.

How to Start SAP Config Tool


To start the Config Tool, double click the configtool script file from <SAP_install_dir>/<system_name>/<instance_name>/j2ee/configtool directory.

UNIX / Linux

To start the Config Tool, go to <SAP_install_dir>/<system_name>/<instance_name>/j2ee/configtool directory.
# cd /usr/sap/SID/j2ee/configtool

How to Define Default SAP Client Login

You can set the SAP to default client login via parameter login/system_client. This can be done using transaction code RZ10 .
As an example, you can set the parameter to client 100 in transaction code RZ10.
A restart is needed to make the changes activated.


login/system_client = 100


Monday, October 31, 2011

cdexe: SAP Kernel Directory in UNIX & Linux

In UNIX/Linux operating system, you can directly jump into SAP kernel directory by executing command cdexe instead of typing the whole path. The SAP kernal is located in /usr/sap/SID/SYS/exe/run. This command need to be execute by logged as SIDadm.

1. Logged as SIDadm. Execute command cdexe

> cdexe

2. Check the path directory.

> pwd

3. List all files inside the cdexe.

> ls
SAPCAR                     enserver                   sapstart
brarchive                  ensmon                     sapwebdisp
brbackup                   icmadmin.SAR               lgtst
brconnect                  icmbnd                     msclients
brrecover                  icmon                      msg_server
brrestore                  startj2eedb                msmon
brspace                    msprot                     startdb
brtools                    jcmon                      niping
cleanipc                   jcontrol                   sapccmsr
sapcpe                     stopdb                     startsap
dev_webdisp                jenqulib.jar               stopj2eedb
dsrlib.so                  jlaunch                    stopsap
enqt                       jperflib.jar               saposcol
enrepserver                jstartup.jar               sappfpar