Thursday, June 14, 2012

Knowledge Management - Introduction

With the Knowledge Management functional unit, SAP NetWeaver provides a central, role-specific point of entry to unstructured information from various data sources. This unstructured information can exist in different formats such as text documents, presentations, or HTML files. Workers in an organization can access information from different source such as file servers, their intranet, or the World Wide Web. A generic framework integrates these data sources and provides access to the information contained in them through the portal.

The Knowledge Management functional unit supports you in structuring information and making it available to the correct target audience. You can use the different functions on all content of integrated data sources, as long as the technical conditions are met.

  • Knowledge Management is a part of SAP NetWeaver Enterprise Portal.
  • The entire functional scope and configuration of the Knowledge Management capabilities are available in portal iViews.
  • To run Knowledge Management, you also require the standalone engine Search and Classification (TREX).

Knowledge Management comprises the following functions:



Integrating Repositories

Unstructured information is stored in various types of repository such as file servers or document management systems. You can use preconfigured repository managers to integrate repositories and make their content accessible through a central entry point in the portal. Open programming interfaces (APIs) allow customers and partners to develop repository managers for other storage systems.

You can also store documents in one of KM's own repositories.

Navigating in Folders

Portal users can navigate in the folders of all integrated repositories and access the documents they contain. Access to folders and documents is controlled using permissions.

The user interface for navigating in folders can be configured flexibly and modified to suit various roles. Portal users can personalize the presentation of the user interface. Open interfaces allow you to extend the user interface by integrating your own functions into the standard system.


The search function finds documents in all integrated repositories. The system displays only documents for which the current user has read permission in the results list.

You can also include the content of Web sites in your indexes using Web crawlers. This information is then also available through the search function in your portal.

Taxonomies and classification

A taxonomy is a hierarchical structure of categories in which you classify documents according to content, organizational, or other criteria. Documents that are stored in different repositories can be included in the same category. Taxonomies portal users to navigate in a uniform structure throughout an organization even if information is stored in heterogeneous storage locations.

After the initial configuration has taken place, the system automatically classifies new and changed documents.

Knowledge Management services

Knowledge Management services enable functions that you can use on the content of all connected repositories as long as technical conditions are met. These services include subscriptions, ratings, public reviews, feedback, and personal notes.

You can also import documents into KM repositories from external sources by using the content exchange service.

Document creation and publishing

Every portal user can create information in the portal, provided he or she has the necessary permissions.

You can upload documents that you created using a PC application directly to a KM folder. You can also use forms to create information directly in the Web browser.

The publishing process is supported by various functions such as the approval workflow.

You can assign metadata to documents and other objects to make the knowledge available in your company more usable.

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