Wednesday, February 9, 2011

FAQs on SAP Business One License

How long after the installation can I continue to use SAP Business One without a license key?

For new installations, the system can be used for a period of 31 days after the first posting without a license key. This 31-day period cannot be extended. After the end of this period, you will no longer be able to access the system. You should request a permanent license key as soon as possible. For more information on the requesting process, see SAP Note 578256.

Which authorization do I need to request a license key for my customer?

If you are an SAP partner and would like to request a license key for one of your customers, you will need an S-user with the authorization "license key request for SAP partner". For further information, see SAP Notes 124703 and 103926.

When do I have to request a new license key for my Business One system?

§ If your hardware key has changed

§ If the number of users has changed

§ If the license expiration date has changed

§ If components (add-ons) have changed

§ If you upgraded your system from release 6.x to release 2004

How can I request a Business One license key?

Request your license key using SAP Service Marketplace from, choose SAP Solutions for SMB, choose request license key. You can find more information on requesting license keys in SAP Note 578256.

Who should request license keys?

License keys should be requested by the SAP partner. Prerequisite for requesting a license key is a S-user and the authorization for the partner "License key request for SAP partner" for the corresponding installation number. Only in exceptional cases if an end-customer should not have an SAP partner the license key can be requested by the customer itself. For further information, see SAP Notes 124703 and 103926.

What should I do if I have mistakenly requested a license key for a new system instead of a license key for an existing system?

Delete the systems that were requested repeatedly as described in SAP Note 614911. Afterwards you can request the new license key for the existing system using SAP Service Marketplace from, choose SAP Solutions for SMB , choose request license key. You can find more information on requesting a license key in SAP Note 578256.

What should I do if I requested a license key using an incorrect installation number?

The system ordered using the incorrect installation number should be deleted and re-requested using the correct installation number on the SAP Service Marketplace. The deletion process is described in SAP Note 614911.

How do I receive the license key from SAP?

The license key is sent to you in an e-mail message. Once you have received the license file, copy it onto your computer. Then restart SAP Business One. When the license query appears, add the license file to it. You can also download the license key in SAP Service Marketplace under the Internet address choose SAP Solutions for SMB. For further information, see SAP Note 742024.

How can I change the file extension of the file attached to the mail from lic.?

You must save the file locally on your computer before you change the extension. You must NOT change the content of the file.

Why is my license key only temporary?

If you request a license key for more users than you have licensed or for non-licensed components or your contract or hardware data are limited, you receive a license key that expires after 14 days. Request a license key with less user or contact your local SAP contracts department. For further information, see SAP Note 765296.

How can I return users that are no longer needed to SAP?

To return users to SAP:

1. Request a new license key with a reduced number of users for the existing system.

2. SAP generates a new license key.

3. You receive the new key in an e-mail message. You can also download it from the SAP Service Marketplace.

The users returned to SAP can then be used for other Business One systems.

The maximum number of users for all systems must not exceed the number of licensed users specified in the contract. For further information, see SAP Note 596562.

How can I delete a Business One license key, also when S-user is unknown?

The deletion process is described in SAP Note 614911. When S-user is unknown, see SAP Note 781853.

For which components of Release 2004 can I request a license key, which components are automatically inlcuded?

You can request a license key for the following components: Professional User, CRM Sales User (standalone), CRM Service User (standalone), Software Development Kit (development version), DI Server, Proprietary Solutions (partner solutions), Other Partner Solutions. Note that you do not need to request a separate license key for the following components because you will receive them automatically with your request for Professional Users: SAP Add-Ons, Software Development Kit ( implementation version), SDK Tools, Compatibility License for Add-Ons. The license key for Compatibility License for Add-Ons is limited until January 17, 2006. After this date, you must recompile your add-on with a current version of SAP Business One SDK to continue running the add-on.

Which features do I have to notice by requesting a license key for an existing system upgraded from release 6.x to release 2004?

You should request the according number of Professional Users and should not change the Business One users, they will be deleted when the license key is assigned.

What are the prerequisites for requesting a license key for partner solutions?

If you want to request a license key for partner solution, Add-On Access Users have to be booked in your contract. If these users have not been booked, contact your local contract department.

When trying to connect to the License Service from a remote computer I received an “Access is Denied” message, why?

The communication with the License Service in the 2004 release uses DCOM technology. There are networks that do not enable to create a COM object on a remote machine for several reasons:

§ User did not login in the same domain as the license

§ Date and time of the machine are not the same as in the license machine

§ The user is not known in the license machine

§ There is a firewall on the license machine

Consult with your network administrator and Microsoft’s DCOM documentation to find out what type of authentication your network requires.

How many users can connect to a single DI Server license (one CPU)?

The DI Server uses a concurrent, unlimited license model. This means that an unlimited number of users can access the same DI Server add-on for an unlimited number of times.

The only limitation is the expected performance of the add-on.

Which type of SAP Business One users can run add-on solutions?

All SAP Business One users (Basic, CRM-Sales, CRM-Service, and Professional) can run add-on solutions, provided that an add-on license has been assigned to them. However, if the add-on uses functionality that is not part of the Basic, the user must be licensed to that functionality. See the License Comparison Chart for details.

Add-on licenses must be acquired separately.

How many times can I access the application with a single Basic, CRM-Sales, CRM-Service, or Professional license?

With the same user name, you can access the same Company database up to twice.

How many times can I access an add-on with a single add-on license?

With the same user name, you can access the same add-on for unlimited number of times.

If the customer uses several different add-on solutions at the same time, does the customer need add-on access user per add-on solution?

Yes, Add-On Access license is a named license that must be assigned to a specific user.

Is Add-On Access License same as Add-On Basic License?


Is the Add-On Access License free of charge?

No, you need to buy a specific add-on access license in order to use third-party add-ons.

Can SAP Business One Add-Ons be used free of charge?

Yes, no additional license is required. This is included in SAP Business One license fee.

Does user through DI-server need add-on access license?


Does user through DI-server need add-on license?


Does user through DI-Server need application license according to the use of functionality?


In the following scenario, what and how many licenses do partner have to propose to the customers?

A company has three employees. The company will get an ERP proposal from SAP Business One Partner. SAP Business One partner needs to propose three add-on solutions to meet the customer's requirement. All three employees need to use all the functions including all three add-on solutions.

3 Professional users (each Professional user is able to run up to 5 add-on solutions)

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