Program Name / Job Name | Repetition Frequency | Description |
RSBTCDEL / | daily | Deletes old background jobs |
RSBDCREO / | daily | Deletes old batch input folders |
RSSNAPDL / | daily | Deletes old ABAP dumps |
RSBPSTDE / | monthly | Deletes old job statistics |
RSBPCOLL / | daily | Creates job statistics |
RSCOLL00 / | hourly | Starts data collectors for ABAP statistics records |
RSN3_STAT_COLLECTOR/ SAP_COLLECTOR_FOR_NONE_R3_STAT | hourly | Starts data collectors for non-ABAP statistics records (Distributed Statistics Records, DSRs) |
RSXMILOGREORG / | weekly | Deletes obsolete entries in the XMI log |
RSAL_BATCH_TOOL_DISPATCHING/ | hourly | Starts long-running data collectors that report application-specific values to the monitoring architecture |
| daily | Deletes obsolete spool requests to reduce system load |
| daily | Checks the consistency of the spooler and of the TemSe and evaluates the results if necessary |
| monthly | Reorganizes the print parameters across clients |
You can monitor jobs in the following ways:
· You can call the Job Selection transaction (transaction SM37) and check whether the jobs actually ran without errors.
· You can use the job monitoring of the Alert Monitor (transaction RZ20) to monitor the jobs. You can set up job monitoring so that you are automatically notified if an error occurred.
With job monitoring, alerts are displayed if errors occurred. If you assign an "auto-reaction method" to these alerts, you are notified, for example, by SMS or by e-mail if problems occurred during the execution of the jobs.
Awsome dear keep rocking :)