Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Address Area


The SAPconnect send processes read the messages from the SAPconnect queue for outbound messages. By using the recipient addresses, the system determines which nodes the messages are transferred to. If there are several recipients, there can also be several nodes. Every node must therefore be assigned the addresses, which it can edit. In normal cases a node is not assigned individual addresses, but rather address areas. The send process only sends messages with recipient addresses within one of the specified address areas to the node.

Node determination on the basis of recipient addresses is known as routing. If one recipient address to address areas corresponds to several nodes, the one that fits best is selected, that is the address area which contains the most characters of the recipient address. Non-generic entries have the highest priority when decisions are made.

The SAPconnect routing concept is based exclusively on the address areas. It is not possible to use other data, like for example the formats supported by the nodes, as the basis for the routing.


You assign the address areas to a node during the creation process. You can change the address areas in the node maintenance or by choosing Goto ® Address area ®Create in the node- or routing view.

Address areas always apply per address type. Generic address areas ending with the special character * can be created, as well as Internet addresses starting with the same special character. If you do not assign an address area, all addresses of the address type entered are processed.

A node can process all Internet addresses:

Address type: INT

Address area: *

A node should only process local faxes within Walldorf:

Address type: FAX

Address area: DE06227*

To check how the routing of messages on the basis of address areas functions, you can carry out routing tests.

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