Thursday, April 12, 2012

SAP Solution Manager Setup - Initial Configuration

Initial Configuration

The Initial Configuration in SolMan_Setup needs to be performed at least once to prepare the SAP Solution Manager System for the rest of the configuration after a fresh installation and consists of the following three steps.

User Administration

This steps creates or updates an Administration User that can be later on used for the complete configuration of the SAP Solution Manager system, but also for ongoing operations tasks. The default user name is SOLMAN_ADMIN, but this can be changed based on your needs.

  1. Enter the needed data
    • Choose if you want to create a new user, or update an existing user
    • For a new user: Provide an initial passwort (Needs to be changed after first logon)
    • In the field Administrator Role you can choose a name for the role that is automatically generated for the user (default: ZSAP_SOLMAN_ADMIN)
  2. Click Execute

During the execution of this activity the user is created, assigned to the needed roles and a business partner is created for the user.

Manual Configuration
If you want to perform these activities manually, please refer to the Diagnostics User Administration Guide in chapter 2.3.1.

ABAP Configuration

This step prepares the ABAP stack of the SAP Solution Manager system for further configuration. The following actions are done in this step:

  • Configure the Solution Manager system itself in transcation SMSY (Create product system, create system component for the Java stack, assign correct product version to system and assign the Java stack to the ABAP stack)
  • Create a logical system for the current client
  • Activate SDCCN

  1. Click Execute
Common Errors
  • No http port for system XXX: This error message in the log is caused by wrong table entries in table SMSY_SYSTEM_NODE. This happens often after system copies or change in SID, HTTP ports or server names. To correct it, open transaction SE16 select the table SMSY_SYSTEM_NODE and search for the active entries for your Solution Manager SID. Then correct the port and servername entries according to your system details.
Manual Configuration

J2EE Configuration

Common Errors
  • Wrong URL calculated

Connecting managed systems to SLD

After configuring the local Solution Manager SLD and before reading the SLD data for Solution Manager System Landscape (transaction SMSY) you have to think about how to get data into the Solution Manager SLD. 

Depending on the customers system landscape you have different opportunities on how to setup your SLD landscape. 

You can use the SLD of SAP Solution Manager as the central SLD for your landscape or you can use another SLD as the central SLD and just feed the SLD of Solution Manager with its data.
For some applications like SAP Netweaver PI the SLD is essential for running. During SLD downtime, no data updates for J2EE components within your landscape are available from your SLD. To ensure that the maintenance of SAP Solution Manager does not interfere with productive operations, we strongly recommend that you do not use this local SLD in SAP Solution Manager as central runtime SLD, if you are using SAP NetWeaver PI or WebDynpro Java applications in your system landscape.
If you are not using SAP NetWeaver PI or WebDynpro Java applications and also do not plan to do so in the near future, you can use the SLD running on the SAP Solution Manager system as central SLD, as no runtime dependencies to this SLD exist. 
The simplest way is to have only one SLD for your landscape. The cost of running an SLD infrastructure increases with the number of SLD instances, as several SLDs have to be administrated (for example, CR Content has to be updated regularly). Depending on your requirements, you also have to think about synchronization of SLD data stored in different SLDs:
The SLD bridge can automatically forward data received by data suppliers to additional SLDs. But data that was entered manually into one SLD (such as PI business systems, name reservation data, products/software components, etc.) has to be synchronized manually with export/import functions of SLD.
Altogether, it depends on the actual requirements of a landscape like what data is required in which SLD or how often is a manual synchronization required, to decide about the optimal SLD landscape. To support this, there is a "Planning Guide for SLD" available

To make a system report its data to the SLD you have to perform some basic configuration on the ABAP and on the Java system. If your system is a dual stack system you have to make the configuration on both stacks, the ABAP stack and the Java stack as well.


To send system information of an ABAP system you have to maintain the transaction RZ70.

  1. Start transaction RZ70
  2. Enter the hostname and the gateway service of the host running the SLD. The gateway service is sapgw followed by the instance number where the SAP system gateway port is running. Usually it is the central instance of Solution Manager. You can check which gateway ports are available in the file etc/services on your operating system.
  3. Then you have to schedule a job to make sure that the data in the SLD is regularly updated, the job runs twice a day. To schedule the job click on the button "Data Collection and Job scheduling". Click on the button with the match to activate the current SLD configuration.


To connect a java system to the SLD you have to maintain the SLD data supplier in the Visual Administrator.

  1. Open Visual Administrator (under /usr/sap/<SID>/<Instance>/j2ee/admin start the go.bat or on UNIX the with the user sid<adm>
  2. Connect with the default connection
  3. Choose Cluster -> Server -> Services -> SLD Data Supplier -> Runtime -> HTTP Settings
  4. Enter the required data
    • In the Host field, enter the name of the host where the corresponding SLD runs.
    • In the Port field, specify the HTTP standard access port of the SLD. Usually it is the port 5<instance number>00.
    • In the User field, specify the J2EE user SLDDSUSER which was created automatically in the SLD configuration step. This user must be assigned to the DataSupplierLD security role.
    • In the Password field, enter the users password. To make sure that you know the password, you should not let it be generated during the setup but rather provide the password during setup.
  5. Use the blue flash on top of the page to test your settings and to trigger the data transfer.

Setup SLD Bridging

If you decided to forward the data from another SLD to the SLD of Solution Manager, then you have to setup a bridge forwarding from the other SLD to Solution Manager. The bridge forwarding provokes that every time a system updates its data in the SLD this data is automatically forwarded to all other SLDs that are maintained in the central SLD as bridge forwarding partners. 
To add the Solution Manager SLD to the central SLD enter the SLD from which you want to send data to Solution Manager. Choose administration --> data suppliers and click on the button „Add SLD". Enter the appropriate input values:
In the URL filed enter http://<solmanhost>:<solmanport>. The port is usually the port 5<instanzce number>00. 
In the user field enter the SLDDSUSER. 
In the password field enter the password of the SLDDSUSER. As mentioned before it is recommended to provide the password during the setup to prevent the generation of a password nobody knows afterwards.

SAP Solution Manager Setup - Basic Configuration

Basic Configuration

Before you start with configuration, don't forget to switch to the edit mode.


In the first step a project for the Solution Manager configuration will be generated. This project provides an configuration template which we can use to track all configuration steps of our Solution Manager. This functionality is similar to upgrade and implementation projects that means you can also use powerful tools from transaction SOLAR01 and SOLAR02.

  1. Enter the necessary information or take over the proposed defaults
  2. After you clicked on "Create" the following steps will be executed:
    • At first: create a Project SOLMAN_CON
    • Then create a Logical Component Z_SOLMAN_COMP and add Solution Manager System <SID>:<Client>
    • Third the Solution 'SAP Solution' is created
    • The Logical Component Z_SOLMAN_COMP is added to Solution 'SAP Solution' and the project SOLMAN_CON

Import Note

In the next step you have to implement the central correction note. The central correction note contains all corrections notes currently created for Solution Manager. If you implement the collection Note for the very first time, it is an good idea to download the Note with SOLMAN_SETUP but start the implementation with transaction SNOTE from ABAP world to avoid Webdynpro timeouts. 
Read the note relevant for your SP carefully to make sure that you do not miss any manual steps. The notes with manual steps are listed in section two of the central correction note. During the implementation you may get various interactive prompts, such as object belongs to an SAP package and inactive objects. Click the green check mark to continue when you get these. 
If a SAP Note needs manual activities you will get a new window with the advice. After implementing SAP Note set the status to "Performed". Perform Post Processing steps after implementation, e.g. starting clean-up reports.
Please keep the note up to date. This is done in transaction SNOTE by clicking on the „Download latest version of SAP notes" button and reimplementing the note if a newer version exists.
More Information on the concept of central correction notes in SAP Solution Manager

Installation Check

In this step an installation check is performed for configuration-relevant parts of the installation. The installation check runs the following checks

  • the Transport Management System configuration. If the check TMS configuration is not successful, the Transport Management System is not yet configured and you should configure a transport domain controller for the Solution Manager system. To do this call transaction STMS.
  • the profile parameters. The Solution Manager uses WebDynpro applications and Business Server Pages (BSP), which need profile parameters for Single Sign-On (SSO). If this check is not successful, maintain the profile parameters in transaction RZ10 as described in the IMG documentation for the activity. The system must be restarted to enable the parameters.
  • the license key. This check verifies if a valid license is installed in the Solution Manager. If this check fails request a license key for Solution Manager and apply it using the transaction SLICENSE.
    the diagnostics prerequisites on the managing system. This activity checks if the Solution Manager System satisfies all the Prerequisites for End-to-End Diagnostics. Depending on the version of SAP Solution Manager and the version of the managed system, a minimum version for different software components and the corresponding correction notes are required. Go to SAP Note 1010428 and select the attached note relevant for your SP level of SAP Solution Manager.
  • the system landscape parameters. This activity checks if the value Synchronize is set for the Cross-System Synchronization Settings field in SMSY. This setting allows the corresponding system data maintained in Solution Manager to be synchronized with SAP Support Portal.
  • the service connection to SAP. Here is checked if the RFC SAPOSS works and the distribution group is set to EWA
    If a check status turns red, check the IMG Documentation for information on how to solve the problem. 
    Repeat the check to make sure the problem is fixed. You can exclude checks by setting the execution status to Postpone or Manual to run only the checks that turned red during the last run.

In this screen you can either

  1. Perform all checks by clicking the "Execute All" button (2)
  2. Select appropriate exection status
    • When selecting "Execute" the activity will be executed with all other
    • "Manual" activities will be performed manually and not by the automatic execution
    • "Postponed" postpones the activity, either because it is not possible or not choosen to be executed now
  3. The "IMG Documentation" link provides access to more documentation of this step and how to perform/check manually
  4. The "Navigation" column provides links to the appropriate transactions to perform the configuration/check

User Data

In this step several user settings are performed. 
At first you have to provide the S-User for SAP Back-end. This s-user will be maintained as the Solution Manager user in the global settings of Solution Manager. It will be used for the RFC connections SAP-OSS and SAP-OSS-LIST-O01. 
The S-User for communication is the S-user that will be maintained in transaction AISUSER together with the Solution Manager administration user. This mapping is necessary to make sure that the Solution Manager administration user can access service marketplace. 
You can enter information on the BI configuration that will be used in this Solution Manager. It is up to you to activate the BI content in your productive client or if you want to use a separate client or system. We would recommend to use an separate client for BI because it is more secure to work only with communication users on BI data and it's easier for a root cause analysis in case of problems.
Additionally several Solution Manager system users are created. 
The user CONTENTSERV is the user for HTTP services like Webdynpro and BSP.
The user SOLMAN_BTC is the user for the execution of background jobs. 
The user SAPSUPPORT is the support user for E2E tools. Instead of creating the default users and generating password you can also specify password or specify an existing user and password. It is recommended to specify the password for the user SAPSUPPORT.

Landscape Data

In the step Landscape data you will add information about Wily Introscope Enterprise Manager. This data is required for Solution Manager Diagnostics to analyze the status of Java systems, e.g. performance data. 
The Wily Introscope Enterprise Manager has to be installed on operating system level of SAP Solution Manager or on a separate host, before it can be added here. 
The Enterprise Manager (EM) acts as the central repository for all Introscope performance data and metrics collected in an application environment. The Enterprise Manager processes performance data and makes it available to users for production monitoring and diagnosis. CA and SAP have an agreement allowing you to use Introscope with SAP-developed dashboards and instrumentation as part of SAP Solution Manager. If you would like to increase the benefits of Introscope through custom dashboards and instrumentation, or extend Introscope's capabilities with Introscope Powerpacks™, those services and products are available from CA's Wily Technology Division.
A guide on how to install EM can be found on under the link „Wily Introscope 8.0 Installation Guide".
After you installed the Enterprise Manager you can add the following information in the Solution Manager basic setup.
Host-name of the Enterprise Manager installation
The Port for the communication between Enterprise Manager and the Introscope Agent. Per default this port is 6001. The port can be changed during the installation of Enterprise Manager
The user credential to log on to Enterprise Manager. The credentials can be found in the installation guide of the Enterprise Manager
Information about the webview workstation. The port for the web access is per default port 8081. The port can be changed during the installation of Enterprise Manager too.
The Enterprise Manager should always running on the system, therefore please ensure that the server comes up again if you restart your server.

Manual Configuration

Now you have to perform some manual activities in the Solution Manager. Every activity has an IMG documentation were you can find details on what has to be done during the activity.

The first activity is to activate the BI source system. We use the BI Content to store workload information of satellite systems for the diagnostics part of Solution Manager. 
If you want to use the productive client as BI client you can just execute the activation by clicking on the link "Activate BI Source System". 
If you decided to use another client as BI client, you have to set the BI client first as described in the SAP reference IMG. The documentation can be accessed using the link to the IMG documentation or via transaction SPRO --> SAP Reference IMG --> Solution Manager --> Basic Settings --> BW setup --> General Setting. 
To change the BI client call function module RS_MANDT_UNIQUE_SET in transaction SE37 and enter the BW client <CLNT> as the value for parameter "i_mand".Then choose Execute.

In the next activity is to adjust the BI authorization concept. In SAP Solution Manager, you need to configure BI to use a special authorization concept. This is needed for all reporting functionalities.
To change the authorization concept log on to the configured BI client or system. Start transaction rscustv23 and select "Obsolete Concept with RSR Authorization Objects". Save your changes.

To prepare the diagnostics scenario we need to import the Wily Introscope Agent (IS agent). The agent is responsible for collecting non-ABAP workload data for the Enterprise Manager and has to run on all J2EE server nodes. The diagnostics setup allows a central installation and configuration of Wily Introscope agents from SAP Solution Manager without any operating system level access to the managed systems. But to make this possible the agent must be deployed on Solution Manager Java Stack. To do this download the newest ISAGENT SCA from SAP Service Marketplace. Deploy the SCA to the SAP Solution Manager Java Stack using the Java Support Package Manager or Software Deployment Manager.

In the next activity you can connect a productive SLD to forward its data to SAP Solution Manager. You will now build up an bridge to the Solution Manager SLD to get all the system information. To set up the bridge enter the productive SLD and add the Solution Manager under the section Administration ? Data Supplier.

You can also link the on-line documentation to a central data source in your system landscape or to the on-line help for SAP Solution Manager. The procedure for your Solution Manager system is the same as for other ERP or Netweaver systems. Start the activity and refer to the IMG documentation for further information.

Automatic Configuration

In this step of SOLMAN_SETUP the automatic configuration will be done. You can exclude activities from automatic configuration if necessary.

The first two activities are to activate basic BC sets and activate piece lists for Service Desk, Issue Tracking and Maintenance Optimizer. Be careful with the activation of BC sets since existing customizing will be overwritten by the BC set activation. To activate BC sets no client in the Solution Manager systems must be set to productive. Check if the customer has already existing customizing for e.g. Service Desk in the system. Then you must not activate the Service Desk BC set. In this case you have to activate the BC sets for Maintenance Optimizer and Issue Tracking manually using the documentation of the SAP Reference IMG in transaction SPRO.

The third activity activates the services for WebDynpro and BSP applications which you need for all SAP Solution Manager scenarios.

The Diagnostics configuration activity configures the diagnostics application that is used to perform root cause analysis across your solution landscape. 
The following steps are performed:
1. Setup Single Sign On between ABAP and Java
2. Update Wily Introscope Enterprise Manager connection information
3. Store ITS connection information
4. Generates a template for the SAProuter table to allow SAP AGS to access Root Cause Analysis tools
5. Stores BI connect information
6. Run CCMSBISETUP routine to activate BI content
7. Activate BI Web Template HTTP Services
8. Start BI Housekeeping Jobs to cleanup old data in the BI Infocubes
9. Create WEBADMIN RFC destination on J2EE side 
10. Create TCP/IP connections WEBADMIN and SOLMANDIAG on ABAP side
If something went wrong during this step you can enter the managing system setup using the URL http://<solmanhost>:<solmanport>/smd and run the managing system setup again.

In the next three activities Business Partners for key users and the business partner screen are generated. The business partner screen generation makes the necessary preparations to create Business Partners. Business partners avoid having to create a separate user in the SAP Solution Manager system for every user who creates Service Desk Messages, Issues or Change Documents. Service Desk functionality requires some Business Partners for Persons with the roles general and employee and one Business Partner for Organization. Some of the business partners that are created in this step include SAP Support, SAP Engagement Architect, SAP Support Advisor, SAP Technical Quality Manager, SAP Backoffice and SAP Consulting.

In the activities schedule Background jobs and standard jobs different jobs are scheduled. The Background job that are scheduled are jobs for the housekeeping of SAP Solution Manager. The standard jobs are the same jobs as the jobs scheduled in transaction SM36 --> „Standard Jobs" and schedules jobs for general SAP housekeeping. Please make sure that the jobs are not already scheduled in SM36 before executing this activity.

In the last activity the RFC SAP-OSS will be created as a copy of the RFC SAPOSS and the logon data will be updated with the S-User and Password provided in the step Basic Configuration-> User Data of SOLMAN_SETUP.